Seraphina - Rachel Hartman

Since its release in 2012, Seraphina has garnered many honors and an incredible number of starred reviews from numerous review journals and other media outlets. As this was a rather intense year of reading, I was not able to immediately pick up Hartman's book and am now very much behind in reviewing the text. All that being said, I have finally had a couple of days to read it over, and I can't say I'm surprised that it managed to pick up so many accolades over the last few years.

This book is a deliciously crafted web of intrigue and suspense. Never knowing who to trust, Seraphina--the product of an unspeakable relationship--befriends Princess Glisselda and Prince Lucian and attempts to discover just what sort of terrible scheme is at play to undermine forty years of peace between the Goreddis and the Dragons. As this beautifully crafted tale moves forward, everyone becomes a suspect, and Seraphina's lineage is in danger of being revealed. With dragons hiding in plain sight in the form of humans and with rebellious factions threatening to undermine the fragile peace treaty, the kingdom of Goredd is in need of a hero, but does Seraphina have what it takes in light of her past?

Though not as fast-paced as some books, Hartman's text manages to keep up a steady pace, increasing feelings of urgency with each passing page. Even through its hefty 451 pages, the world-building and conspiracy will keep readers wanting more.

Highly Recommended


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