Tommy Can't Stop! - Tim Federle (author) & Mark Fearing (illustrator)

Tommy bounces, and he leaps. Tommy clomps, and he bulldozes. Nothing tires Tommy out, and his family can't keep up! But then his sister has an idea: could tap class be just right for Tommy?

This exuberant picture book, written by Broadway dancer Tim Federle, with illustrations by Mark Fearing, stars one very energetic kid who finally finds his place in the spotlight.

Tommy can't stop moving. He can't stop bopping or bouncing or clamoring or clomping or stoping or hurdling. Tommy's parents are tired, and so is his sister. They try EVERYTHING to burn off Tommy's excessive energy so they can finally sit down for a minute. (A number of other reviewers claim Tommy is ADHD, which is a possible reading for sure, but I won't make the claim in this review since it's not made explicit in the text that he has been diagnosed with anything in particular.) In any case, Tommy's sister eventually suggests that Tommy try tap dancing. He's not an immediate fan, but when he sees that his teacher is doing lots of the stuff he already does at home, he realizes he might just be REALLY GOOD at tap dancing!

The illustrations are great. Bodies are somewhat exaggerated in terms of facial expressions, giving readers a seriously good idea of the emotional strain and excitement (depending on the character, of course!) Colours are bright and eye-catching and Fearing makes Tommy extremely kinetic using dashes lines to follow him around different rooms of the house and the dance studio.

Federle and Fearing a perfect pairing for this picturebook. Pick this up and take some advice from Tommy's little sister if your child is a rambunctious one!

Highly Recommended


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